
The best horror movies to watch during a heatwave!

July 19, 2022 grimmfest

With the weather currently Officially F’n Hot, your pal The (Sweaty) Reaper is here with a guide to the best horror movies that capture the feel of a gross, hot, glorious summer!

JAWS (1975) – this has to be here, set on a scorching July 4th weekend – but stay out of that water…

THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE (1974) – the whole movie DRIPS with sweat, and that dinner scene? Forget about it.

PIRANHA 3D (2010) – I told you to stay out of the water!

CUJO (1983) – pure hell; trapped in a boiling car when a friendly dog turns rabid.

THE ICE CREAM MAN (1995) – ahh ice cream on a hot day… enjoy it, it’ll be the last thing you ever eat!

MIDSOMMAR (2019) – colourful, bright and the finale is full of heat – enjoy the festivities.

BROKEN LIZARD’S CLUB DREAD (2004) – chill out at Coconut Pete’s Coconut Beach Resort, but watch out for the killer…

Let us know your favourites on the socials!