
Is Shawnee Smith coming back for SAW X?

December 11, 2022 grimmfest

The next installment in the billion-dollar SAW franchise is coming our way next October, from franchise stalwart Kevin Gruetert (director of SAW VI and SAW: THE FINAL CHAPTER, editor on SAW I – V and JIGSAW) and this makes for a very excited Reaper.

We already knew Tobin Bell is returning as John Kramer, and now Deadline are reporting that Shawnee Smith is in talks to return to her role as Amanda Young!

Deadline reminds, “Introduced as one of Kramer’s victims in the original 2004 film, [Shawnee Smith’s] Amanda Young was later revealed to be an apprentice of the killer, known for forcing captives to play deadly games, before meeting her end in Saw III.”

How John and Amanda are able to come back, only time will tell….